Read Generously

Read Generously gives you the opportunity to directly support the publication of extraordinary poetry at Copper Canyon Press through supporting three of our mission-driven initiatives. In thanks for your generosity, we will send you a published Copper Canyon Press poetry book of your choice.


Your Impact
Your gift to Read Generously will support three of our mission-driven initiatives listed below. What an incredible impact you will have on our community!

  1. Poets’ Advance Fund: A fund that allows us to provide competitive advances to poets and translators so we can remain the home for our legacy authors, returning authors, and authors new to the Press.
  2. Open Reading Period: A potential pathway to publication for promising poets and translators with astounding stories that will help shape the poetic landscape.
  3. Internship Program: An accessible opportunity for young professionals who often come from underrepresented communities to gain firsthand industry experience in independent, nonprofit publishing.

How do I Read Generously?
Simply make a gift by using the donation form on this page. We will be delighted to send a published Copper Canyon Press book to those who give $50 or more to support our mission-driven publishing initiatives.

If you live outside of the United States, please consider making a larger donation to assist with the higher costs so the impact of your generosity can be fully utilized. Thank you!


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