Jane Miller is a kind of post-punk bête noire oracle, celebrating the indomitable human spirit amidst the crumbling ruins of a world in perpetual crisis. Memory at These Speeds is a new and selected collection, providing a comprehensive overview of an inventive, daring, and insightful lyric poet. Drawing upon five previous books, Miller’s poetry explores the “American moment,” describing how we live in spirit and place at the end of the century.
ISBN: 9781556591181
Format: Paperback
“… a marvelously penetrating, synoptic poet, her best moments sublimely diagnostic.” —Threepenny Review
“Reading Jane Miller’s poetry is like channel-surfing on acid: her deliberately interrupted narrative warps and weaves and makes the familiar strange and the strange recognizable.” —LA Weekly
“It’s heartening to see a poet work from the pure energy of language, without apology, as Jane Miller does.” —Boston Book Review