The poems in Little Stranger, Lisa Olstein’s third collection, reverberate with twinned realities: wonder and terror, beauty and difficulty, celebration and lament. Adventuring through worlds within worlds, the poet engages with science, art, war, and motherhood, and rolls out a child’s encyclopedia of animals—tiger, ibex, barasingha—while exploring the tenuousness of attachment and the rapidly shifting nature of knowledge. In poems that are erudite, lyrical, and above all empathetic, Olstein illuminates both the magic and the sorrow in our world.
ISBN: 9781556594328
Format: Paperback
“Is she just smarter about syntax, more articulate about human drama, more imaginative about eeriness, more insightful about sadness, more capable of turning a novel phrase, more engaging a storyteller than nearly all the rest of her peers? Well, yes.” —Huffington Post
“Beautifully crafted and unsettling in just the right way, these poems track a poet of growing importance.” —Library Journal