Eventually One Dreams the Real Thing, Marianne Boruch’s ninth collection of poetry, contains within it a deep and fatal irony paired with irrepressible wonder. This is a book of wars and plague; of gargoyles, Gregorian chants, and Galileo; of reading in bed and a bat loose in the house; of hurricanes, mermaids, and a vicious schoolteacher; of grief and “life-glad.” Unafraid to think out loud and follow an image to whatever curious, dangerous destination, Boruch never fails to disquiet and delight.
ISBN: 9781556594915
Format: Paperback
“Eventually One Dreams the Real Thing collects an awe-inspiring, Benedictine abbey’s worth of subjects… [Boruch] is a master of mulling matter over and making that mulling audible to her readers…. Her trust in instinct gives her visions a visionary quality.”—West Branch Wired