Beginning with a harrowing account of her childhood in a Belgian convent, where she was placed at the age of four, Laure-Anne Bosselaar shows us how the trauma of early emotional and physical deprivation can be survived by way of intelligence, humor, curiosity, and determination. Although many of her poems are overtly autobiographical, they go far beyond the personal.
ISBN: 9781931337328
Format: Paperback
“There’s a time in the life of a poet as a maker of poems, if she or he is going to become more than just good, when the voice of one’s second self fully emerges, distilling and orchestrating the poet’s concerns, while simultaneously infusing them with an inner melody—a music that reaches and satisfies both ear and mind. This is to say that Laure-Anne Bosselaar, with her wonderful third book, A New Hunger, has become more than just good. It’s an occasion to mark and to celebrate.” —Stephen Dunn