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The Blessing by Richard Jones
Spring Essence by Hô Xuân Huong, John Balaban, trans.
New & Selected Poems by Stephen Berg
Finding Them Gone: Visiting China’s Poets of the Past by Bill Porter (Red Pine)
Silk Dragon: Translations from the Chinese, Arthur Sze, trans.
Locusts at the Edge of Summer: New & Selected Poems by John Balaban
Selected Translations by W.S. Merwin
Poems of the Masters: China’s Classic Anthology of T’ang and Sung Dynasty Verse, Bill Porter (Red Pine), trans.
The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain, Bill Porter (Red Pine), trans.
Steal Away by C.D. Wright
Spanish Ballads, W.S. Merwin, trans.
Collected Longer Poems by Hayden Carruth
Collected Shorter Poems, 1946–1991 by Hayden Carruth
Migration: New and Selected Poems by W.S. Merwin
Collected Haiku of Yosa Buson, W.S. Merwin, Takako Lento, trans.
Voices by Antonio Porchia, W.S. Merwin, trans.
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